Thursday, December 11, 2008

Turn the Page

I'm sorry that it's been awhile since our last posting. With getting Q settled in at home and working through all the stuff that comes with the death of a parent, and starting work again...well, you know.

My Mom's (Deborah McCracken) funeral was beautiful and very much a celebration of her life. So many loved and respected her. Now comes the next hard part for my Dad -- walking through an empty house full of memories and reminders. His tears are close to the surface and his heart is hurting. Please keep him in your prayers. Maybe ask the Lord to give my Dad (Howard McCracken) a clear and fresh sense of his presence and comfort.

Susie continues to heal and handle a little more each day. Today she has two doctors appointments. She will visit her neurosurgeon to get the 27 staples removed from the top of her head, and hopefully will be told she can begin reducing her steroid dosage -- she is really puffed up from that stuff and it affects her blood sugar, etc. The other appointment is with our family doctor to keep track of vitals and her basic condition. Q went on an errand with our neighbor yesterday and returned really tired -- she just can't handle much yet.

From here it looks like Q will just rest and get as healed as she can until Christmas, but immediately following will be in surgery again to remove the cancer in her liver. As much as we all hate that thought right now, we just want to go after this thing and get her to a new starting point. Obviously, we will keep you posted on when the surgery will be when we find out more.

Yesterday I met a man sitting in the waiting room of the AttaBoy Plumbing office who I'd never seen before and when I was introduced he said, "Wait, I know your name from somewhere. Oh, does your wife have cancer? We've been praying for her." It is incredible and humbling that so many people - many we will never meet this side of Heaven - care enough to pray for Susie and our family! Wow!! Thank you all sooooo much.

I'll end this post with a portion of Scripture that was very meaningful to my Mom and is certainly pertinent to us all:

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
- 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

- Scott

1 comment:

Katie (Umbaugh) Aschliman said...

Thank you for your update Scott. Your family is impacting and changing lives daily through your faith in suffering.

I am lifting you all up today. Thank you again for your openness here.
