Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Seeking Memories

I would like to compile a collection of memories for my children and their children. If you have any stories about Susie (meaningful ones; funny ones; memorable ones; ways her life may have touched yours) would you please email them to me at
or send them by U.S. Mail to:
Scott McCracken
3731 Tara Court
Westfield, IN 46074
You can also hand deliver them at the vistitation or memorial services.

Thank you all so much for your love, prayers, and wonderful words to our family.

I love you,

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Visitation and Funeral Information

It is with great sadnesss and joy that we are posting the visitation and funeral information for our mom, Susie. It has been a very tough 24 hours for us...moments of intense grief and then little bursts of joy as we remember our loving mama and how she touched us so, and where she is now -- rejoicing and cancer-free. And it continues to feel so surreal to all of us.

Thursday, April 30: 4:00-8:00 pm
Flanner & Buchanan Funeral Home
325 E. Carmel Dr. Carmel, IN 46032

Friday, May 1: 1:00 pm
Church at the Crossing
9111 Haverstick Rd. Indianapolis, IN

This morning, early as the day began, the Lord brought us to this verse:
"He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young."
Isaiah 40:11

We know we are being carried close to his heart today.

With love,
Molly, Haley, Mary Lou and Ellie

Monday, April 27, 2009

It is with joy and sorrow...

Early this afternoon, precious Susie went to see Jesus face to face. She had a peaceful transition from this earth to The New, surrounded by Scott, some family and friends. Her last hours were spent enveloped by prayer, hymns, and Scripture.

Arrangement information will be forthcoming. Prayers are coveted.


Saturday, April 25, 2009


Hi friends and family,

Thank you for your faithfulness to us. Your comments on this blog, your cards, your prayers and your hugs mean more to us than we can express. Thank you.

My mom is still home. As of last night, the hospice nurse put an IV in her which gives her a constant drip of morphine for her intense pain. She is definitely in less pain now, which is the goal and is a good thing! However, the morphine makes her very confused and drowsy. It is so hard to see our mom/wife/daughter/friend like this, and yet, this is who she is RIGHT NOW. I've been recently struck by the fact that not everyone will marry or have children in this life, but everyone will die...and yet our American culture hates being faced with the reality of this. We've moved away from death as much as possible, which is understandable because it is not fun. But I am trying to currently embrace that this is our reality and will be everyone's reality at some point, and this IS my mom RIGHT NOW. I want to love on her as she is RIGHT NOW. But even that is difficult when she is so medicated. It still feels very surreal most of the time.

And it's funny that while we are very sad today as we spend time with her parents and brother and sister-in-law who are here this weekend, today is the first day Indiana has seen 80 degrees. It is beautiful! On my drive home from my parents' house this morning, I was enveloped in a sudden and very physical realization of the greatness of God's love for ME even during a time like this. The beauty of his creation is in full bloom and brightness today, and I can't help but rejoice in His goodness. Spring is such a physical reminder that after the death of winter comes spring and all it's beauty, refreshing, and NEW LIFE.

Our family has been reading the book HEAVEN by Randy Alcorn as we all are searching for more answers about where our mother will soon be. My view of heaven before the past month was we are surrounded by clouds and golden streets and our spirits are floating around "up there" somewhere. It was never something I looked forward to. I'd never done my homework on heaven before. But let me assure you, that much to the trueness of His character, God has a heaven in store that is very much different than what I thought as I study what the Bible has to say about heaven. And our whole family, including my mom, has found a new excitement about this eternal HOME we will someday experience because of God's love and grace for us. I would highly recommend this book. It will change your perspective of NOW, too. (There's also a much shorter devotional format, if you're not a reader.)

Please continue to pray for us and this time we have ahead. It is a very, very difficult season for all of us, and yet, we do experience God's great "peace that passes all understanding" -- wow, do I have a new perspective of that!

And please continue to send your cards to my mom and dad, or even just my dad. Your words via the mail bring an encouragement to them and a physical reminder that people are thinking of and praying for them. Ellie lives there, too.

Their address is:
3731 Tara Court
Westfield, IN 46074

My sisters up at Anderson UNiversity, Haley and Mary Lou, are trying to finish the school year and make it home to see mom, too, as often as they can. They could also use your encouragement.

Their address is:
1100 E. 5th Street
Anderson, IN 46012

Thank you, dear friends.
Love, Molly

Friday, April 10, 2009

Golden Time

I'm sorry for how long it's taken to get this update on the blog. Honestly, since the last one there has not been much new to say. After we heard that last report with the scan results, both of our primary oncologists left town for Spring Break with their families. They deserve a break. They work hard and see alot of really sick people. But, whether I am a husband in denial or a husband who just wants to make sure we're making the right decisions, I wanted to talk to both docs as soon as they got back.

Susie and I met with her radiation oncologist this week and he did a good job of explaining things to us. We also spoke with her primary oncologist. Susie's liver is really enlarged and cancerous. She also has some fluid in her right lung. Her brain scan came back clear. Both docs are willing to help us get any further treatment or consults that we want, but with the information we have and the horrible experience Susie had with her IL2 chemo, we don't think we want to go any further with medical treatment of the cancer. The results just would not be that dramatic and it would likely negatively affect the quality of life we want to have together as a family. For now, we are controlling Q's pain without heavy narcotics and we are taking advantage of that as long as we can. This has been a week of difficult discussions, but I thank God that we are able to have them with her mind as clear as it's been.

Susie's doctor referred to our time together right now as our "Golden Time." We don't know how long that time is, but apart from the Lord doing a miracle, it won't feel long enough. So now we just continue to love each other well and rest in the Lord's love for us.

I pray you will really take in the reality of Jesus' Resurrection this Easter!

Love, Scott (and family)