So late last night, my mom started experiencing sharp shoulder pain. A few hours later it had traveled to her side. My dad took her to the ER around 5:30 this morning where they waiting until after noon to hear the results of a CT scan. We found out that the cancer on her liver has started bleeding due to her blood-thinning medicine mostly. The good news is that instead of waiting until tomorrow, they were able to put a "metal basket-like thing" in an artery in her groin area to trap future blood clots so that she can be off of the blood thinner. She is sleeping in the hospital tonight and we hope will be released tomorrow. Please be in prayer that this new "basket" will work and that she will still be able to take her chemo treatment which will start Monday. This is the first FULL week of treatment (Monday through Wednesday she'll have out patient chemo then Thursday through Sunday she'll be in the hospital having more treatments). Please continue your prayers that the treatments will be successful and a continued renewal of energy for Mom. Maybe we could have a complication-free week?? Probably not. :)
We love you all!
Molly and fam
All of here at Genesis are praying!! Love you guys!
Susie - I know you are suppose to begin your treatments this week and just wanted to let you know that we have been thinking about you and are sending much love, strength and courage your way! The Wilsons
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